Assignment 5: R APIs and Databases


Matthew DeHaven


February 26, 2024


February 21, 2025

1 Accept Assignment on Github Classroom

  1. Accept Assignment 5 on Github Classroom.

  2. Clone this assignment to your computer.

  3. Intitialize your own renv environment.

2 Set up “secrets.r” file

  • Copy the “secrets-template.r” file to a new “secrets.r” file

This will be where you will store your personal API keys and passwords.

I have already added “secrets.r” to the “.gitignore”, so it should not be tracked or pushed to Github.


3.1 Pull FRED Series

You will need to use the fredr package for this section.

  • Pull the following data series
    • Real GDP: “GDPC1”
    • Rhode Island Unemployment Rate: “RIUR”
    • US-Euro Spot Exchange Rate: “DEXUSEU”
    • One more series of your choice, look around FRED’s website
  • For each series, calculate the following:
    • Mean
    • Median
    • 25th Percentile
    • 75th Percentile
  • Now report the same summary statistics, but only with data since 2020

3.2 Vintage FRED

  • Pull Real GDP using a vintage date and the alfred package.1

  • Calculate the difference between the current and the vintage data series (if there is no difference, try another vintage date)

  • Print out the date with the maximum difference

1 See the coding example for this lecture if you are confused.

4 tidycensus API

  • Request a Census API key:

    • Save it to your “secrets.r” file
  • Install the sf package

  • Install the tidycensus package

  • Pull median household income: “B19013_001” from the ACS3

    • But choose a different state than Rhode Island
  • Create a map with the data and ggplot2

    • Follow the example in the slides

2 You likely need to install something called ‘gdal’ in the terminal.

3 Same as the example in the slides.

(Optional) Mapview

If you want to try making one of those interactive maps, install the package mapview and give it a go.

5 (Optional) Connect to WRDS Database


This can take 1-2 days to get access.

  • Once you have an account, make sure you can log into WRDS online:

  • Then add your account username and password to the “secrets.r” file.

  • Then open up the “get-wrds-data.r” script

    • The connection to the WRDS database should already work
    • Try running the example in the code (same as what we saw in class)
    • Try finding another database to connect to and pull a subset of the data
      • I’d suggest looking around on the WRDS website to see what data is available

6 Submit

Commit your code and push to Github!