Assignment 2: Project Organization
1 Accept Assignment on Github Classroom
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2 Project Organization
- Read Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide by Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro1. ~ 40 pages, with generous spacing
1 Jesse used to teach at Brown and was involved in starting this course.
This is perhaps the best distillation of the goals of this course. You will see many of the topics we have covered in the lectures so far. In particular, this week’s lecture on GitHub Projects is very related to the problems detailed in Chapter 8: Management.
Gentzkow and Shapiro also have a public RA manual that describes in detail how they manage assigning tasks, developing code, reviewing, etc for their lab. Reading the RA Manual is not required, but you could take a look at it if you are interested in how some very effective economists actually implement their management “philosophy”.
3 React to “Code and Data…” Reading
Create a new file in your repository called “”.
- Write a paragraph (or a few bullets) about your takeaways from the “Code and Data…” reading.
You should include…
- Something new you hadn’t thought about before?
- Something you will try in your own projects?
- Something you disagree with?
- Something from the RA Manual that interested you?
I will also ask in the next class for you to share a highlight from the reading.
4 Submit
- Commit and Push to GitHub!